and the animation is limited?
Grigori Grimoire from FancyPants on Vimeo.
No, I think it actually is part and parcel of the atmosphere.
Very macabre.
The Coming of "AI Fast Fashion" in Second Life -- and the Danger of Not
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on how AI-based image-to-3D mesh conversion will impact virtual world
economies d...
10 hours ago
I agree, Bill. I think the crudity matters in that the film wouldn't be nearly as good without it.
What a find! I can't believe this has been out for 4 months!
I love the use of the static facial expressions in setting emotional tone. Almost like a 1920's film.
Good film.
The animation is not all that crude, it's very intricately pupeteered, I think the CRUDE aspect of this video really comes in with the location choice and cinematography, but the pupeteering is actually very entertaining
Shhh...or Vimeo will take it down.
fncypntz is incredibly talented. he's helped me a couple times in game and he's totally on a whole another level of Garrysmod than the typical player to the point where I can't believe how he learned how to do what he does. what's so fascinating is that he pulls all of this off on his own with no outside help while balancing the fact that he has a sub-par computer and has to shoot all his footage with in-game demos at half speed to avoid frame rate loss. check out his other stuff too, it's really great! although I think he took a number of his videos down for some reason.
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