Somebody made a trailer for NCFOM using the movies (in German).
I'm not sure why, but I like it:
The Coming of "AI Fast Fashion" in Second Life -- and the Danger of Not
Addressing It Now (Comment of the Week)
Max at his mainstore/sim, Rustica [direct teleport here] Last week's post
on how AI-based image-to-3D mesh conversion will impact virtual world
economies d...
9 hours ago
This was made by David Riedel, director of the award winning "Am Ende der Distanz". He's one of the very best with Lionhead's The Movies.
I believe this is a shot-for-shot recreation of one of the real trailers for the film, so admittedly part of the strength of this piece comes from the shot choices made by the original trailer's editor. But D.R. does a great job of recreating those shots, sidestepping his engine's limitations in a number of creative ways.
Thx for the info.
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