The ridiculous title of this post stems from an article by C. Doctorow at The Guardian on encryption, passwords, data, and death.
All the video you uploaded, all the posts you made, your entire digital presence:
Who controls it when you are gone?
Will it simply reside on some hard drive, or on some dusty backup tape forever?
Do your loved ones have access to it?
Can they legally retrieve it, delete it, modify it?
854: Ten Things I Don't Want To Hate About You
Zach Mack and his dad try to mend a rift between them in a very unusual
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12 hours ago
It's an interesting issue I'd given no thought to but am now.
Funny comment over on Cory's article by a reader: "I'm going with the solution of living a life so boring that none of my data is worth encrypting." LOL
Lol. If you live in the 21st century and leave no digital trace, then do you really exist?
Seems like this is also an issue for virtual worlds.
you can't OWN machinima maaaaaan, it like , belongs to everyoooone.
Lol, send me your pw then ;)
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