Some news.
The bad first.
I was very shocked to hear the news of Peter Rasmussen's passing. I did not know him, but others in the machinima community did.
More information on these pages:
Machinima for Dummies
Dr. of Machinima
Now some good news.
The After After Party
The OMFF Second Life pre-awards cocktail party was yesterday. Unfortunately I missed most of it and have only 2 pics to show (plus what Frank took). But he's already posted them so take a look:
The After After Party
Thx again to HatHead and Stormy. Remember, the awards are May 10. I am not wearing a pirate costume.
More news.
Machiniplex will be showcasing "Folie a Duex" in just a few hours.
Overcast contest.
Phil is having a contest to promote the Overcast podcast. Entries are due April 27, 2008.
Michael Nitsche has an article about machinima. I have not seen much discussion about it.
New video releases.
Tom Jantol just released another video called "Wizard of OS: The Fish Incident" that is bizarrely based on an experiment by Nikolai Tesla and some lab notes he left behind. Very strange as you might expect.
A fair use documentary (approx. 10 min.) made with The Movies (how does that work?).
Same As It Ever Was. Critics of video games recycle their arguments (what was this made in?).
Ross Scott released the third episode of Freeman's Mind.
Apparently students at the University of Utah were using Half Life to create some machinima clips and released them on YouTube.
The Lumberjack Song
Secret Hillary/McCain Love Affair
The last one is especially well done.
Never played Half Life before? You can get the gist of the story from HL in 60 Seconds.
Not your cup of tea? How about Half Life: Full Life Conseqeuences #1 or #2. Machinima made from fan fiction created by a nine year old. Of course, it makes no sense. Or is it the work of a genius beyond our understanding?
LitFuseFilms released Melons 3.
Other news.
NIN film festival.
Some of you may have heard of Trent Reznor's (Nine Inch Nails) recent release of Ghosts, a set of instrumental tracks. You can get some tracks for free, the full set for a limited amount, or the special super deluxe mega version. Word is they already made $1.5 million after one week release. They are having a fan-submitted visuals contest to accompany the instrumental tracks. More information on this You Tube video.
Adobe is having a "See What's Possible" contest. Some very nice prizes. Check out the submissions.
The oldest animation ever found is very cool.
The Machinarium also has some fascinating visuals.
So does The World of Goo.
And Crayon Physics Deluxe. You Tube vid.
And Audiosurf (surf your music).
And Love.
Maxis has integrated YouTube into Spore, so that you can post to YT directly from the game. Talk about embedded gaming.
This is how to use You Tube to audition. A very attractive young woman doing 21 different accents. Judging by her resume she is very talented.
Impressive fan made art for Bioshock gets noticed by 2K Games.
Excel: The next generation 3D modeling software? YouTube.
The 20 minute dcumentary The Story of Stuff.
Goobees. What happens in a vending machine.
Line Rider vs. Pivot. Amusing.
Daily Monster. A new monster every day.
Strange Animation from Marcel Kaars - keukendingen.
Inside Project Zero: Philip Rosedale on Completely Re-Making the UI -- and
Re-Engaging Millions of Former Users (Part 2)
Read part 1 here While Philip Rosedale returned to developing Second Life
full-time a few months ago, Linden Lab was playing with cloud streaming the
18 hours ago
What do you mean you won't be a pirate?? I thought we all agreed could be worse you know..
Pirates are so 2007.
What a wonderful collection of links! Yes, I was also saddended bye Peter's death. I'm be doing a tribute at the Machiniplex blog here in a few days.
Sorry I missed the party, but I had to work. You would have made a great pirate!
Thanks for mentioning my new film. I am truly honored.
No, thank you for making something so fascinating. I have some questions on it.
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